Things are changing in this world on a cosmic level…

The Universe and Human Life

Things have seemed dark lately, both literally in some cases due to the changing season and metaphorically. But, as the saying goes, it's always darkest before the dawn. The presence of darkness does not signify the absence of all light. Hardship, death, destruction, and injustice do not mean there is an absence of love, light, goodness, hope, or the potential for rebuilding and rebirth. It simply means that these positive elements may be harder to perceive. So, polish up your telescope lens, and start hunting for them—like the treasures that they are. Harvest these positive aspects, carry them through the darkness, and share them with others.

We find ourselves amid a renaissance, where old ways are being questioned and dismantled on multiple levels. What is needed now more than ever are kind-hearted, open-minded, authentic, and vulnerable individuals prioritizing their healing, recognizing that it does make a significant difference.

When each of us engages in our personal growth, we create ripple effects in the world. Our self-understanding naturally leads to a greater desire and capacity to understand others. Self-compassion begets more compassion for others. Authenticity encourages the authenticity of others. Openness creates space and tolerance for differences, while true unconditional self-love generates more love for others. Our healing fosters healing in future generations and inspires the healing of others. By finding our way back to ourselves, we find our way back to each other. Remembering the power of one, we are reconnected in unity with the one consciousness. If you want to be part of the solution for healing humanity and the world, be part of the self-healing revolution—the SOULution.

In unity and soulful journey,

Nicki Brown - Certified Holistic Life Coach

P.S. If we aspire to change the world, it starts with us. If you’re ready to do your part schedule a COMPLIMENTARY clarity coaching call with ME today!


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