I used to say I felt lost in this world and then I found my PLACE
My Instagram bio says I help women find their PLACE to flourish in their life and in this world — but what does that even mean?
When I started my self discovery journey, I thought I was trying to find myself and find my place in this world — where did I fit in? I had found that by returning to my authenticity and my wholeness, I’m naturally finding my place in this world— a place rooted in self-love, self-trust and self-belonging.
What I’ve realized on this journey is: I was never lost and neither are you. The truth is the real me has always been there, lingering below the surface, buried under the pressure and expectations, the noise, under the distractions, under the misunderstanding and the limiting beliefs. I just had to uncover her and then pull her back up.
When I reflected on the things that have most radically changed my life and that are at the core of what I feel called to share in this world, I came up with the acronym of PLACE because I want people to find their sense of belonging — a place that feels like the warmth and safety and comfort of home. A place where they can be who they truly are — a place where they can feel seen and heard and loved for who they truly are. Because that’s what PLACE has done for me — finding my PLACE has been a beautiful process of coming home to myself.
Presence—Stop living in the past, ruminating, or fearing the futures (hello anxiety) and instead bringing our attention to the present moment which is then only moment we can affect naturally leads to more awareness of what’s happening and mindfulness of choices.
Love — This is about learning to live in and from love for myself and others. Seeking curiosity and understanding over judgement and learning a deep self acceptance and compassion for myself of which naturally leads to greater ability to extend that to others.
Alignment — this is where you find authenticity. Alignment is about living in a way that is congruent with who you are.
Connection — deepening it with yourself and your body but also creating better—stronger and healthier relationships with others.
Empowerment — this is where the rubber meets the road. It’s taking the coaching tools I provide putting them into practice daily— that’s that help you shift your perception, master your mindset, your ego, and your emotions, root out limiting unconscious beliefs and so much more so you can start seeing new opportunities and choices available to you.
When you find your place in the world it’s the equivalent to finding that fertile soil within which you can truly flourish.
Always rooting for you,
P.S. If you want to find your PLACE to flourish in life, schedule a COMPLIMENTARY clarity coaching call with ME.