If you want to change your life, change your habits.
Habits are a routine, practice, or set of automated behaviours (or thoughts) in response to a specific situation. Habits are generally seen as a way of helping us save us precious time and energy because when you repeat a behaviour enough times it becomes automatic in such a way that we barely even have to think about it. We form a sort of “muscle memory” in our brains that allows us to turn off the decision making and thinking parts of our brain and go sort of on autopilot—it’s no wonder habits are so hard to break. And while it can be useful to run on autopilot when needed to complete tasks, it also works the same for bad habits and patterns that often go unnoticed or that we find so difficult to break…like our negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours which can crop up, like a sort of knee-jerk reaction to certain “triggers”. When you boil it all down, our programmed habits and patterns form our behaviour, our behaviour informs our results and our results impact our outcomes. So habits are one of the main things that keep us stuck and unable to achieve our the things we want in our lives.
So you may be wondering what habits have to do with life coaching, especially if you read all about how my program is transformative process that focuses more on being then doing. The truth is, like everything in life, both being and doing require a “balance” of sorts and while in your day to day life, this will probably look more like a dance, moving back and forth between the two, in essence your doing should always come from your being—it should be aligned with who you are and who you want to be. Which brings me to my next point — your habits and identity are actually a feedback system—your identity shapes your habits and your habits reinforce your identity.
I’ve studied habits quite a lot because I find them fascinating and foundational for your success and transformation. Your life is essentially a mass of habits and habits are the number one determiners of the quality of our lives, so when you change someone’s habits, you can literally change their life! That’s also why habit change is one of the hottest topics in health care today since doctors have recognized that it is one of their largest obstacles in achieving successful outcomes is patient compliance—the problem isn’t that people don’t know what to do, it’s that they struggle to follow through. They need to know how to navigate habits, and they need the right systems, support and accountability in place. But that’s not just true in healthcare, it’s true in life. If we stop to think about it right now, most of us have a pretty good idea of the kinds of changes we’d like to make in our lives—but in order to achieve new outcomes in our lives we need to change our processes. Our habits ARE our processes and changing them the right way, in a way that is not difficult or painful is done by focusing on “being” — that’s how you’ll be able to make lasting change and finally get what you want!
If you’d like to learn how to finally hack your habits and make lasting change in yourself and your life, book a free clarity call with me today — just schedule some time below.